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Prototype 3:

Versatile Enemies

The third Prototype explores the combat system within the Semi-Confined movement in a test level that contains a few variety of enemies. This Prototype  introduces two test levels, a more polished version of the "Deadly Traps" test level as well as a new test level "Versatile Enemies" which is meant to test combat against a few simple enemy behaviors. This Prototype also presents an old school inspired Power-Up system to give the Player a fighting chance against enemies as well as to balance the game's difficulty. There are two types of Power-Ups in this Prototype, level-up and double health. The level-up type of Power-Ups acts like a hybrid of Super Mario's "super mushroom" power-up and Castlevania's "morning star" whip power-up, giving the Player an additional hit point as well as temporary upgrade to their weapon that is immediately lost upon taking damage. The double health Power-Up does exactly what the name implies, it doubles the maximum amount of hit points the Player receives from getting a level-up Power-Up, the ability is lost only once the Player is dead.

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